The Hustle House

We envision a future where every returning community member has the opportunity to regain the freedom and self-determination to create a prosperous future for themselves and their communities.

Two men hugging
Gradient House

The Hustle House is a newly launched program of The Bambi Fund, dedicated to providing support, services, and funding for justice-involved entrepreneurs as they reintegrate into their communities. We recognize the systemic barriers and discrimination that formerly incarcerated individuals often face, and we are committed to making a positive impact on their lives.

A barber and their customer

The mission of The Hustle House is to establish a safe and supportive environment where returning community members can access economic opportunities through a cooperative of member-owned businesses, each operated by individuals who have been previously incarcerated. We aim to break down the barriers that have held these individuals back and empower them to bring their dreams to life.


In the first year of our pilot program, The Hustle House will partner with 5 small businesses owned and operated by justice-involved people who need support to take their businesses to the next level.

This could be you!

Register for our upcoming info-session to learn more about The Hustle House and how to apply.

Questions? Email us at or call (623) 777-9551‬ and leave a message with your name and phone number - we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.



Anita Rechell Works, a spirited Small Business Resource Manager at Local First Arizona and co-owner of Goliath Mechanical, embodies entrepreneurial spirit and a deep commitment to service. Her expertise in enhancing brand development and customer engagement has made her an invaluable asset to business owners. Anita leads with a collaborative spirit, skillfully managing resources and guiding diverse teams. Among her notable achievements, Anita created "Reporter's Roundtable," an international talk radio show spotlighting pivotal stories in Black and Brown communities, less likely covered in the mainstream. She conducted a groundbreaking urban talk radio interview with former President Obama in the Oval Office. Anita's experience is backed and supported by a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication from Grambling State University, and a Master of Public Administration in Government & Policy from Grand Canyon University.

Vivid's journey as an innovator and product designer spans over 15 years and traverses four continents. Her career is a tapestry woven with relentless curiosity, a profound love for product development, and a mastery of diverse realms, including digital storytelling, video game design, AI/ML, and AR/VR experiential design. Raised by UN career parents, Vivid's childhood spread across 12 countries cultivated an innate curiosity and a robust appetite for risk. This global upbringing and her early foray into stock trading and financial markets as a teenager laid the foundation for her bold, risk-taking approach in her professional endeavors. Currently residing in Sydney, Vivid spearheads a multinational experience design team at Breville, coordinating efforts across Sydney, Seattle, and London. Her professional pursuits extend beyond her full-time role. As an Adjunct Associate Lecturer at UNSW's School of Biotech and Biomolecular Sciences, she co-founded a biotech startup, converging science and design to innovate in high-performance biomaterials.

May Tiwamangkala was born and raised in Cicero, IL. One of their earliest memories was when the Mayor of Cicero allowed the KKK to march down their streets which led to much violence. Their experiences growing up in the Chicago area led them to be a passionate advocate for social justice and to fight against inequality. May moved to Arizona after high school to attend ASU to study Philosophy, but their college career ended when they were incarcerated for two years. After May’s release, they focused on being a voice for marginalized communities because they met so many women who helped them during their hard times who were disenfranchised. Since incarceration, May has organized with the ACLU of Arizona and other organizations. They currently serve as the Advocacy Director at AZ AANHPI for Equity and are devoted to making Arizona a more diverse and inclusive state and would like to promote people power rather than accept corporate greed.

PJ Boone-Edgerton Longoni is passionate about the internal work of justice and creating ‘Beauty, Blessings, and Human Flourishing’ for all. PJ is the Founder, President, and Executive Director of The Tadini House in Arizona, which advocates for individuals and families impacted by the criminal justice system using the participatory defense model and network that was initiated by Silicon Valley Debug in San Jose California. PJ dreams of a beautiful healing living environment and community for men returning from prison. PJ has a certification in SSEHV – Sathya Sai Education in Human Values, to assist individuals and re-entry organizations the values needed to serve others, especially those impacted by the criminal system. PJ also has her masters degrees in Public Administration, Education, Theology and Counseling. PJ resides in Arizona as a beloved wife, grandmother and friend.

A racial and gender equity advocate, Frank Velásquez Jr. leads and collaborates with passion, authenticity and an open mind. He connects to the stories that make each of us who we are and the stories that inextricably connect us to each other. As the founder of 4 Da Hood and creator of the groundbreaking fellowship program, Ascending Leaders in Color, Frank brings local, regional, and national attention to the inequities that communities of color face, so that they too can economically advance and build their generational wealth.



Thank you for your interest in applying to participate in the first The Hustle House cohort! We aim to make our application process as simple and transparent as possible.
Please find information below regarding the application and selection process. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us by emailing or calling (623) 777-9551.

Pilot Program Launch

In spring 2024, The Hustle House will recruit 5 formerly incarcerated business owners to participate in our first cohort of entrepreneurs.

    • People who have experienced incarceration or detention. (Required)

    • People who currently run their own business in the state of Arizona. (Required)

    • People whose businesses have been established for at least 6 months and whose businesses constitute their main source of income. (Preferred)

    • Attend an in-person or virtual information session hosted by The Hustle House (see “Application Process” below for details). (Required)

    1. Attend an information session: To be eligible to apply, all potential applicants must attend an in-person or virtual information session in February 2024 hosted by The Hustle House. Potential applicants must complete an information session registration form to attend. Complete the registration form by visiting: or call (623) 777-9551 to register by phone in English or Spanish.

    2. Complete an Application Form: Everyone who attends an in-person or virtual information session will receive a link to complete the full application form. The full application form can be completed online or over the phone. Details on where and how to complete the full application form will only be provided to people attending an in-person or virtual information session. The deadline to complete the full application form is March 10, 2024.

    3. First Round Application Review: All applications will be reviewed internally by The Bambi Fund team. Successful applicants will be shortlisted and notified via email/phone.

    4. Interviews: Shortlisted applicants will be invited to participate in a 30-minute virtual interview with The Bambi Fund team, including a member of our Independent Selection Committee. Interviews will be recorded for internal use only.

    5. Final Review: Hustle House's Independent Selection Committee will review pre-screened applications and interviews. Information about committee members will be publicly available through The Bambi Fund website. The Independent Selection Committee will make final decisions on which applicants will be awarded a place in our first cohort for The Hustle House pilot programme.

    6. Award Notification: All applicants will be notified of the results of their application no later than 6 weeks from the application deadline.